Perfectionism Therapy San Diego

Perfectionists are notoriously hard on themselves, but did you know they are also incredibly hard on the other people in their life as well?

Perfectionists hold themselves to unreasonably high standards and they do the same with their friends, family, partner, and coworkers. This causes tension and resentments and often ends up with perfectionists trying to carry the weight of the world all by themselves.

And, because perfect doesn’t exist in most areas of life, perfectionists will inevitably fail to meet their goals. This cycle leaves perfectionists experiencing extreme levels of stress and shame at what feels like a personal failure.

Therapy San Diego

Perfectionists also struggle with:

  • Procrastination which is often fueled by a fear of failure or underperforming

  • Feelings of resentment and the belief that they cannot rely on others for support

  • All-or-nothing thinking

  • Low self-esteem

  • Anxiety and/or depression

    While it can seem like perfectionism is an effective strategy to succeed in life, it just is not. Which is why if you’re a perfectionist, you are almost certainly familiar with feeling like you’re failing. The truth is, if pushing yourself harder or doing more worked, it would’ve worked by now.

Therapy San Diego

In therapy, you can learn more effective ways to reach your goals, improve your self-esteem, and learn how to manage the anxiety and depression that many perfectionists experience.

Ready to get started? Click the button below to schedule a phone consultation, and let’s talk about how therapy can help.


I am a therapist who specializes in online anxiety, depression, and OCD therapy. Schedule a consultation to see how online therapy can help you.